Science and Technology

A strong presence since the founding of the University of Milan in 1924, the Faculty of Science and Technology coordinates the scientific degree programmes involving seven departments: Biosciences, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences and Politics – all holding an important position in national scientific research, with excellent results at European and international levels as well. 

Thanks to a strong emphasis on national and international collaboration and an extremely rich and diversified cultural environment, Science and Technology is able to train a high number of graduates and postgraduates with cultural and scientific skills strongly linked to the demands of the job market.   

President of the Managing Committee
Prof. Giovanni Pighizzini

IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25

The call for applications for IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence A.Y. 2024/25 is published.

Winners will have a total tuition waiver on the second instalment and a grant of €1,500. 

More information: IUSS Pavia Course of Excellence

Science and Technology @ LaStatale

Introduction to the Area, Third Mission

ragazzo al computer con un libro
Studying at Science and Technology

The didactic organization: lessons, internships, scholarships and prizes, international mobility

After graduating

Continue your studies or enter the workplace: employment opportunities and post-graduate training



The Faculty of Science and Technology is located in Milan, on via Celoria 20.



You can view the classroom list on the study area's website.

Department of Biosciences
Via Celoria 26 - 20133 Milano

Department of Chemistry
Via Golgi 19 - 20133 Milano

Department of Physics
Via Celoria 16 - 20133 Milano

Department of Computer Science "Giovanni degli Antoni"
Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milano

Department of Mathematics "Federigo Enriques"
Via Saldini 50 - 20133 Milano

Department of Earth Sciences "Ardito Desio"
Via Mangiagalli 34 - 20133 Milano

Department of Environmental Science and Policy
via Celoria 2 - 20133 Milano

Science and Technology Courses Administration
Management Committee Chairman's Office

via Saldini 50 – 20133 Milan
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 02 50316001


Student Desks

Via Celoria 18 - 20133 Milan

Faculty events

Si tiene per la prima volta in Statale l’ottavo incontro degli "Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy", simposio biennale che mette al centro la comunità scientifica internazionale, che studia eventi astrofisici alle alte ed altissime energie. Le conferenze sono state istituite quasi 30 anni fa dagli scienziati del Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics. Durante gli eventi verranno ricordate le figure dei fisici Beppo Occhialini e Nanni Bignami.

Seminario online del Corso teorico-pratico “I Prodotti Naturali come Risorsa Preziosa: Un Viaggio attraverso Biopolimeri, Idrogeli ed Aromi” ** Referenti: Jenny Alongi e Giuseppe D’Orazio

Seminario online del Corso teorico-pratico “I Prodotti Naturali come Risorsa Preziosa: Un Viaggio attraverso Biopolimeri, Idrogeli ed Aromi” ** Referenti: Marta Stucchi, Gabriele Di Carlo e Daniela Meroni