Credentials FAQ

University credentials

You credentials consist of a username and password assigned to each student during the matriculation procedure.
Your username takes the form <name>.<surname>
A random password is assigned automatically: you are strongly advised to change it as soon as possible by accessing the change-password service reserved for students.
Your credentials are the "key" to access all the online services for students, including the email service.

Use the "emergency" change-password service, which allows you to change password even if you do not remember the current password (besides your personal details, you will also have to enter you fiscal code and the paired matriculation number-PIN). If you don't yet have a PIN, you must wait for it to be issued.

Any, as long as the pair matriculation/PIN is valid. In other words, the PIN must correspond to the matriculation number in use when it was issued.
You cannot freely combine matriculation number (among those assigned to you) and PIN, but must indicate the PIN paired with a specific matriculation number.

Consult the pageUniversity credentials.

The credentials assigned do not expire. You can use them even after graduation to access specific sections of the portal dedicated to students and graduates.
Your email account, instead, remains active up to two years after its last renewal. Once you obtain your qualification (degree, PhD, Master, etc.), you will no longer have access to the Digital Library.
For further information consult the page: University credentials.