ISEE Certification

The ISEE (Indicator of Economic Situation) certificate is a tool used to evaluate a family’s economic situation for the purpose of applying for social benefits, calculated on the basis of the family’s Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica – DSU (self-declaration form containing information about the family unit and any income and assets).

University students need the University ISEE (issued by INPS and containing the wording "This document is applicable for the purpose of university student benefits”) to calculate the second instalment (and not pay the maximum amount), and to apply for the benefits envisaged under the Education Incentive Programme, for example, study grants, refectory meals, accommodation and on-campus student work.

University ISEE certificates showing omissions or inconsistencies will not be accepted.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the income information required for the purposes of the University ISEE is the family unit's income in the 2022 calendar year, and any movable assets and property held at 31 December 2022.

Education incentive Programme 
Tuition waiver

A tuitions waiver is granted to students on track with exams and not on track with exams for one year with an ISEE value until € 22,000.

A student can declare him/herself independent of the family of origin and submit his/her own ISEE University certificate if, on the date of signing of the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) he/she:

  • the residence outside the family of origin, established for at least 2 years since the date of signing the DSU, is in a building that is not owned by a member of the original family unit;
  • has his/her own income as a dependent or dependent-like employee not working for a family member. The income fiscally declared in calendar years 2020 and 2021 may not be lower than 9000 euros per year.

Without these requirements, the student must apply for a ISEE University regarding his/her family’s economic situation.

If the student is married, subject to the other requirements, he/she can request the ISEE University certificate for his/her own family unit.. 

How to apply and when

The University ISEE certificate is issued by INPS and contains the wording "This document is applicable for the purpose of university student benefits”.  

To calculate the second instalment and not pay the maximum amount, students must request the University ISEE by 16 October 2024 from:

  • any CAF (Authorized Fiscal Assistance Centre)

  • any INPS office in person, or online on the INPS website.

Late submission fees

Requests for University ISEE certificates submitted between 17 October 2024 and 31 December 2024 shall incur a € 250.00 penalty charge for late submission.

This penalty also applies to students who have submitted an application to graduate by the third session of the 2023/2024 academic year and must enrol for academic year 2024/2025.

Students who request the ISEE certificate after 31 December 2024 must pay the maximum amount of the second instalment.

Students enrolled on the first year of the master’s degree programme in the 2024/2025 academic year can request the University ISEE certificate up to 31 December 2024 without incurring the penalty for late submission.

The ISEE certificate does not need to be handed in to Student Registry since the University will download it from the INPS website: the registration date should coincide with the date of submission of the self-declaration form and not with its date of issue.

The ISEE certificate will be automatically downloaded only for students who renewed the enrollment for the academic year 2024/2025.


Academic Year 2023/2024

Students who enrol or re-enrol for AY 2023/2024 from January 2024, and have requested the ISEE Università certification in calendar year 2023, must apply for the ISEE value to be recorded through the InformaStudenti service.

More details

The University checks the truthfulness of the information declared in the DSU signed for the purpose of requesting and issuing the University ISEE using the following methods:

  • by accessing the databases of the Italian Revenue Agency, the Italian Territorial Agency and INPS.

  • by asking the relevant public authorities, or the student, to provide the necessary documentation.

Once the checks and controls have been carried out, the University can automatically recalculate the University ISEE certificate or ask the student to provide a new certificate.

Further information are available in the Regolamento controllo autocertificazione redditi.