Medical English courses

In order to get the credits corresponding to Medical English, students attending single-cycle Master's degree courses in Medicine and Surgery and in Dental Medicine must attend a Medical English course.

This course is open to second-year students only, provided that they have already fulfilled the additional learning requirement (OFA) corresponding to the B2 level as provided for by their degree course.


Types of courses

In March, while on their second year, students holding the B2 level are sent an email for them to choose which type of Medical English course they wish to attend:

  • fully online and asynchronous course on a online learning platform;
  • blended course made up of 20 hours of classes with compulsory attendance + self-study on a online learning platform.

End-of-course test

To be admitted to the end-of-course test:

  • students attending the fully online course must have completed all the activities (100%, i.e. 170 exercises) available on the platform;
  • students attending the blended course must have attended at least 75% of classes and completed at least 75% (i.e., 128 exercises out of 170) of the exercises on the online learning platform.

The test will be delivered in a IT room about one week after the end of the course. Students will be tested on the medical terminology studied on the online platform.

Students who do not pass the test may sit it again in the available sessions six times a year, in June, July, September, December, January, and March.


C1 and C2 certificates

As an alternative to the course, students may upload a C1 or C2 level language certificate earned for no more than 3 years at the time of submission.

Should students submit a valid language certificate, the correspoding Medical English credits will be automatically validated by June of the second year.



It is important to consult your email inbox regularly, where all official university notices will be sent.

Students with disabilities or SLDs

Students with disabilities or with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) must contact SLAM through the InformaStudenti Service in order to receive special arrangements and support for the test (students with disabilities: 50% more extra time; students with SLDs: 30% more extra time).