Doctoral scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to PhD students based on their position in the general ranking lists. In cases of equal merit, scholarships are assigned on the basis of the candidate’s economic situation. Doctoral places not covered by a scholarship are awarded to the youngest candidate.  
Doctoral scholarships cannot be awarded to students who have already obtained a PhD, with or without scholarship.

The University decides on the amount of the study scholarship. Scholarships have a yearly duration and are renewed as long as the doctoral student is admitted into the following year.

Budget for research activities

Every doctoral student is given a budget at least equal to the 10% of the scholarship amount in order to carry out their research activity, funded by the Department to which their supervisor belongs.


Doctoral scholarships are not compatible with other study grants, with the exception of grants or other contributions awarded by Italian or foreign institutions to enable students to spend periods abroad to supplement their training and research activities. The doctoral scholarship is not compatible with payments made to doctors undertaking specialist training.

Payment procedure

In order to initiate the procedure for payment of the doctoral scholarship students must complete during the online enrolment procedure the questionnaire regarding the working position; for the communication of the IBAN code a specific e-mail will be sent to the university account in the following weeks.

In order to report any changes in personal and bank details, which should be notified by the 4th of the month in order to avoid delays and problems with the payment of the scholarship, students must send the banking data form to the Staff Salary and Career Division, Training and Research Contracts Office, by InformaStudenti - doctoral payments.

The PhD scholarship consists of an annual gross sum of €16,350.00. Any different amount is indicated in the call for applications.

The scholarship is paid monthly. Every three months, the coordinator will send the office a certificate of attendance.

INPS registration and social security contributions

Doctoral students are required to register with INPS (separate pension and welfare scheme for the self-employed).
Payment of the social security contribution is made by the University, only after the PhD student registers for the separate pension and welfare scheme for the self-employed on the INPS website, in the Online Services section, using their PIN.

One third of the INPS contribution – currently amounting to 35.03% of the scholarship – is charged to the PhD student and two-thirds to the University. Those registered with other social security funds (for example those that are mandatory for members of professional orders such as  Enpam, Enpav, etc.) pay a reduced INPS contribution of 24%.

The PhD scholarship is not subject to declaration in tax returns or to IRPEF (personal income tax) (Art. 4 of Law 476/1984 and Art 6, paragraph 6, of Law 398/1989).

The C.U. (Certificazione Unica - annual declaration of all income) form showing the amount of the scholarship awarded and INPS contributions made by the University during the course of the year, is available after the first year of the course.


Doctoral students may carry out supplementary teaching and tutoring activities for students of Master’s and single-cycle degree programs for a maximum of 100 hours in each academic year, of which a maximum 40 hours to be spent on supplementary teaching activities pursuant to Art. 45 of the General Regulations of the University.


Waiver of the PhD scholarship

The following students must give up the PhD scholarship as they are not entitled to it:

  • admitted students who have previously obtained a PhD qualification, with or without a scholarship

  • beneficiaries of other study grants awarded in the same year, unless they are intended for stays abroad

  • students undertaking specialist training admitted in accordance with the conditions of the Doctoral Programmes Regulations since they are already in receipt of a grant.

Students can waive the scholarship for one academic year only or for the entire duration of the programme.

To give up the scholarship, a specific form must be sent to the InformaStudenti service one month before the waiver date.