Public, International and European Union Law

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Study area
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme contributes to the scientific and methodological development of topics addressed by integrating the various areas of research. Topics of study (and comparative study) include the foundations of constitutional law (nature and transformation of political representation, relationships among institutions, role of judges, protection of rights), as well as the complexity of modern administrative law. The latter increasingly involves cooperation among national, European and international administrations in a complex web of duties and responsibilities.
The programme aims to provide in-depth knowledge of research methodologies in the various areas of International Law, International Private and Procedural Law and European Union Law, from the perspective of both institutional profiles and material rights. The profound ongoing changes in the international community, the increase in transnational relations between individuals and businesses, and the increasing competencies of the European Union are such that the different aspects of legal research must be placed in an international and European context.
There are essentially three lines of study: a) protection of rights; b) the functioning of single institutions; c) the bases of rights from the perspective of the different areas of law addressed by the programme.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:
LM-19 Informazione e sistemi editoriali,
LM-38 Lingue moderne per la comunicazione e la cooperazione internazionale,
LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
LM-52 Relazioni internazionali,
LM-59 Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità,
LM-62 Scienze della politica,
LM-63 Scienze delle pubbliche amministrazioni,
LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
LM-78 Scienze filosofiche,
LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
LM-87 Servizio sociale e politiche sociali,
LM-90 Studi europei,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione,
LMG/01 Giurisprudenza.
Dipartimento di Diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Rule of law, between judges and legislators
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Rights
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
The changing Constitutional Justice System
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Administrative Justice, between domestic codification and EU obligations
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Administrative regulation of economy and the role of independent administrative authorities
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
F. Fracchia
Big Data and Public Law: new challenges for public administrations at the National and EU level
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Big data, Algorithms and the Law: the Robotic Judicial Decision
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
M. Cafagno
European principles concerning administrative procedure
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Tax issues within Corporate governance: the Italian model between international and European perspectives
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Environmental Law and Sustainable Development
Curriculum: Constitutional and Administrative Law
Old and new strategies to ensure the European Union values
Curriculum: International and European Law
European Union and climate change: objectives, competences, rights and instruments of protection
Curriculum: International and European Law
Common European Asylum System: distinctive features, results, criticalities and future reforms
Curriculum: International and European Law
The E–Health paradigm between European Union law and National Administrative law
Curriculum: International and European Law
The rules applicable to State aids for undertakings: recent developments on the subject of modernization process and the effective execution of recovery decisions into national legislation
Curriculum: International and European Law
International Protection of Human Rights: New Frontiers
Curriculum: International and European Law
E. Greppi
International Organizations Law: New Perspectives
Curriculum: International and European Law
New Trends in Private International Law: the Transnational Dimensions of Commercial Relationship
Curriculum: International and European Law
New Trends in Private International Law: Cross–border Families
Curriculum: International and European Law
New perspectives in international economic law between the promotion of economic interests and the safeguard of social values
Curriculum: International and European Law

Courses list

November 2021
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Operative Principles in Developing Eu Policies and Their Lines of Evolution 3 15 Italian
February 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
New Trends in International Law and Private International Law
3 15 Italian
March 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Big Data and Rights 3 15 Italian