Curricular internships at the Surveillance Court of Milan

Our University has signed an agreement with the Surveillance Court of Milan allowing 4th- and 5th-year students in the single-cycle Master’s degree programme in Law to undertake curricular internships at the Court. Interns will participate actively in judicial proceedings and gain direct experience in a unique and very interesting legal field.

Interns will work alongside judges on jurisprudential research, trial dossier analysis, study of legal issues, hearings, drafting of minutes and reports, and co-drafting of court orders.

The internship may last from 4 to 6 months for a total of 320 to 480 hours, depending on the needs of the Court.

For students majoring in criminal procedural law, criminal law, and penitentiary law, the internship may represent an opportunity to gain further material or focus for their theses.

Academic credits (3 CFU) may be awarded for this type of internship.

Via Festa del Perdono 7

Project tutor

Prof. Lucio Camaldo

Requirements and application procedure

Students enrolled in the fourth and fifth years of the single-cycle Master's degree programme in Law, who have passed the Criminal procedure exam with at least 27/30 and have an average grade of at least 27/30, may apply for the internship.

How to apply

Fill out the application form posted to the advanced criminal procedure Ariel page and e-mail it to the project tutor, Prof. Lucio Camaldo. Application windows are specified on the Ariel page.
Upon completion of the selection process, winning candidates may start administrative procedures with the COSP-Internship Office to set up their curricular internship.