Biotechnology Applied to Animal Nutrition and Animal Origin Food

A.Y. 2023/2024
Overall hours
AGR/18 VET/04
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate to students:
- the food quality and the main methodologies and analytical techniques, available in feed and food evaluation
- GMO's Production, relevance, quality, safety, regulatory aspects and their implication for analytical methods;
- the main production technologies and control systems in the food production and processing with special focus on biotechnology applied to food production.
Expected learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
- basic knowledge in animal and comparative nutrition, including methods for feed analysis and basic feed evaluation.
- knowledge related to the use of GMOs in feeding of farmed animals, including analytical techniques;
- knowledge related to food production and processing with special focus on biotechnology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral tests
Animal nutrition
Course syllabus
Biotechnology and Animal Nutrition
- animal nutrition and comparative aspects with human
- Nutritional role of macro and micro-nutrients
- Compositional and qualitative aspects of foods
- Quantitative feeding: animal diet formulation
- Genetically modified food. General aspects, techniques, production, safety for animals and for the food chain
- Analytical techniques for the control of genetically modified raw materials in food.
- Labeling and traceability of GMOs.
- Food additives: bioactive molecules, new foods / foods, probiotics and enzymes
Practical training
- feed and food analysis
- methods for detecting GM raw materials in food.
- preliminary approaches in diet formulation
- Cell culture techniques for assessing the effectiveness of additives, novel feed / food
Teaching methods
Practical training
Teaching Resources
Arienti Giuseppe. Le basi molecolari della nutrizione 2015. Piccin
Dell'Orto Vittorio, Savoini Giovanni 2005. Nutrizione animale e rispetto dell'ambiente. Editore: Il sole 24 ore Edagricole.
Uso degli alimenti geneticamente modificati [OGM] in alimentazione animale (2006), Ed. da Associazione Scientifica di Produzione Animale Commissione di Studio. LaserPrint, Parma.
Food of animal origin
Course syllabus
Lectures (3 cfu)
- Food Quality.
- Food Preservative treatments methods: traditional and emerging -
- Haccp System
- Production and processing methods and safety of dairy products and cured meats -
- Quality label of food products
- Tracing and traceability of foodstuffs
- Labelling, packaging and innovative packaging
- The functional foods
- Biotechnology in food production: use of microbiological and fungal starters
- Sustainability of the production processes
- European legislation on food hygiene
Laboratory pratical training (2CFU)
- Cheese-making techniques: production of a dairy product
- Sensory analysis test
- Visits to food dairy production companies

[Program for not attending students with reference to descriptor 1 and 2]:
- Food Quality.
- Food Preservative treatments methods: traditional and emerging -
- Haccp System
- Production and processing methods and safety of dairy products and cured meats -
- Quality label of food products
- Tracing and traceability of foodstuffs
- Labelling, packaging and innovative packaging
- The functional foods
- Biotechnology in food production: use of microbiological and fungal starters
- Sustainability of the production processes
- European legislation on food hygiene
Teaching methods
Practical training
Teaching Resources
Multon J.L. La qualità dei prodotti alimentari. Ed. Tecniche Nuove
AA.VV. Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie
Gigliotti C., Verga R. Biotecnologie alimentari. Ed. Piccin
Garosci R. Consumatori d'Europa. Ed. Marsilio
Ratledge, Kristiansen Biotecnologie di base. A cura di Giorgio Corte. Ed. Zanichelli
Cernia E., Degen L. Le biotecnologie nel settore agroalimentare. Ed. Carrocci
Alberghina L., Cernia E. Biotecnologie e bioindustria. Ed. Utet
Zambonelli C., Tini V., Giudici P., Grazia L. Microbiologia degli alimenti fermentati. Ed. Calderini Edagricole
Poli G. Biotecnologie Conoscere per scegliere. Ed. Utet
Flandrin J-L, Montanari M. Storia dell'Alimentazione. Ed. La Terza
Pagliarini E. Valutazione sensoriale. Aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici. Ed. Hoepli
Animal nutrition
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 32 hours
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Food of animal origin
Practicals: 16 hours
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Vallone Lisa