Patent Committee

The Patent Committee of the University of Milan has been reconstituted for the 2018/2021 academic period, until 30 September 2021.

Its statutory duties are to:

  • review patent applications,
  • express an opinion on patents filed whenever a decision is required,
  • express an opinion on industrial property clauses in commissioned research and patent enhancement contracts, and in research agreements with other institutions. 

The Committee is also entrusted with evaluation and proposal tasks in the context of authorization procedures for the University's spin-offs.

Internal experts:

  • Prof. Stefano Zapperi, associate professor in academic field FIS/03-Matter Physics –  President;
  • Prof. Giorgio Abbiati, associate professor in academic field CHIM/06-Organic Chemistry;
  • Prof. Silvia Giudici, associate professor in academic field IUS/04-Commercial Law;
  • Mr. Roberto Tiezzi, Managing Director, Deployment of Intellectual Property and Innovation Division.

External experts:

  • Ms. Silvia Panigone, member of the University's Board of Directors;
  • Ms. Maria Luisa Nolli, chief executive officer di NCNbio s.r.l.;
  • Prof. Adriana Maggi, former Deputy Rector for Knowledge Transfer and Enhancement, Coordinator of UniMi-Science project since 1 November 2020.

Prof. Maria Pia Abbracchio, Vice-Rector and Deputy Rector for Research Strategies and Policies, and Mr. Roberto Conte, General Director, attend the Committee meetings ex officio.

Le riunioni sono convocate alle ore 14:30 nelle seguenti date:

Mercoledì 10 gennaio

Mercoledì 7 febbraio

Mercoledì 6 marzo

Mercoledì 10 aprile

Mercoledì 8 maggio

Mercoledì 5 giugno

Mercoledì 3 luglio

Mercoledì 4 settembre

Mercoledì 2 ottobre

Mercoledì 6 novembre

Mercoledì 4 dicembre

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