Molecular and Cellular Biology

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Bioscienze - Via Celoria, 26 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The doctoral programme aims to:
- train scientific experts with excellent skills in the field of biomolecular sciences and biotechnology;
- promote a molecular approach to the study of complex biological problems in model organisms (prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, animals and plants);
- encourage collaboration between research institutes, advanced training schools and companies in the fields of biomolecular sciences and biotechnology;
- encourage internationalisation by promoting international scientific collaborations, involving foreign lecturers, recruiting postgraduate students from abroad, and organising co-tutored dissertations involving study periods abroad.
Training activities will be characterised by:
- a multidisciplinary approach;
- interactivity;
- links to the business world;
- internationalisation.
A key element of the programme is the direct involvement of doctoral students in experimental research activities. Students will work full-time on a research project, providing critical insight and suggestions, and thereby acquiring scientific and organisational independence.
Classi di laurea - Classes of master's degrees:

LM-6 Biologia,
LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
LM-11 Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali,
LM-13 Farmacia e farmacia industriale,
LM-17 Fisica,
LM-18 Informatica,
LM-21 Ingegneria biomedica,
LM-22 Ingegneria chimica,
LM-25 Ingegneria dell'automazione,
LM-31 Ingegneria gestionale,
LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
LM-35 Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio,
LM-40 Matematica,
LM-41 Medicina e chirurgia,
LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
LM-46 Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria,
LM-47 Organizzazione e gestione dei servizi per lo sport e le attività motorie,
LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
LM-51 Psicologia,
LM-52 Relazioni internazionali,
LM-53 Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali,
LM-54 Scienze chimiche,
LM-56 Scienze dell'economia,
LM-58 Scienze dell'universo,
LM-59 Scienze della comunicazione pubblica, d'impresa e pubblicità,
LM-60 Scienze della natura,
LM-61 Scienze della nutrizione umana,
LM-67 Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie preventive e adattate,
LM-68 Scienze e tecniche dello sport,
LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
LM-71 Scienze e tecnologie della chimica industriale,
LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
LM-76 Scienze economiche per l'ambiente e la cultura,
LM-78 Scienze filosofiche,
LM-79 Scienze geofisiche,
LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
LM-86 Scienze zootecniche e tecnologie animali,
LM-91 Tecniche e metodi per la società dell'informazione,
LM-92 Teorie della comunicazione,
LM/SNT1 Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche,
LM/SNT2 Scienze riabilitative delle professioni sanitarie,
LM/SNT3 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie tecniche,
LM/SNT4 Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della prevenzione
Dipartimento di Bioscienze - Via Celoria, 26 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Cav-1 expression for limiting membrane stress and electrical alterations of cardiomyocytes of patients with caveolinopathies and muscular dystrophies
MADE IN FAMILY: The impact of Maternal Anxiety-Depression and ImmuNoinflammation on Foetus brain growth and infant neurodevelopment. An imagingepigenetic longitudinal study?
Translational control of the immune response of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
Molecular characterization of disease-linked human polynucleotide phosphorylase (hPNPase) variants
Regulation of microtubules and RNA metabolism interaction in the neuron-astrocyte crosstalk during Parkinson’s disease
Genetic maternal contribution controlling seed development
Integrative modelling of molecular recognition processes by molecular dynamics simulations
Defining the function of rice florigenic proteins during the reproductive transition and inflorescence development
Structure and functional studies of self-assembling multi-enzyme nanoparticles for continuous redox biocatalysis
Functional dissection of noncoding RNAs regulating NFY transcription factor in human cancer
Study of the antiproliferative effect of metformin combined to transcranial stimulation in glioblastoma cellular and animal models
Modifying phyllotaxis in Brassica seed crop species for yield improvement
Development of genetic and pharmacological approaches to cure Muscular Dystrophies
G quadruplex as sources of genome instability: identification and characterization of novel mechanisms and factors in cancer cells
Counteracting inflammation triggered by P. aeruginosa-activated lung-infiltrating Th1/17 cells: a novel approach for precision medicine in CF
Studying the functional role of PARP1 in DNA double strand breaks processing to target cancer cells
Breaking Gram-negative bacteria outer membrane permeability barrier as a strategy to develop of next generation antibacterial drugs
Elucidation of molecular mechanisms involved in systemic signal propagation upon wounding and herbivory attack in plants
Integrated structural biology on transcription factors and their interaction with DNA
Development and implementation of cloud-oriented bioinformatic tools and workflows
Inflammation and Sinus Node Disease
Study of the Huntingtin protein (HTT) structure/function relationship
Defining the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which tissue macrophages promote angiogenesis in neovascular diseases
Role of transcription factor NF-YA in tissue specification in mouse embryo development
Cryo-EM Structural studies of the HCN2 channel for future terapeutical treatments of chronic pain
Mechanisms of funny/HCN4 channel long-term regulation in health and disease
D. DiFrancesco
β2-microglobulin amyloid aggregation promotes Multiple myeloma progression: towards the understanding of the molecular bases
New regulators of autophagy and endo-lysosomal trafficking in cell and in vivo models of disease
Identification of novel bacterial virulence factors and inflammation determinants associated with persistent lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients
BarPLUS: improving photosynthesis in barley to increase the production of biomass that can be converted into biofuel

Courses list

October 2021
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Everything You Need to Know About Single Cell Genomics and How to Apply It to Cell-Based Therapies 2 13 English
Insights in Agrofood Biotechnology Research and Entrepreneurship
2 12 English
November 2021
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Genome Editing of Stem Cells for Advanced Disease Modelling and Treatment: Theoretical and Practical Course 2 13 English
January 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Biostatistics for Molecular and Cellular Biology
5 27 English
February 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Molecular and Cellular Biology. Methods and Communication of Results
4 24 English
March 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Integrated Structural Biology 3 18 English
July 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Hpc@unimi: Indaco for Genomics and Transcriptomics Data Analysis
3 15 English
September 2022
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
How to Write a Molecular and Cellular Paper
4 20 English